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Terms & Conditions



In this document the following words shall have the following meanings:

1.1 “Agreement” means these Terms and Conditions;

1.2 “Premises” means 12a Green Croft AL10 0RB Hatfield

1.3 “Services” or “Cleaning Process” means the vehicle valeting service(s) selected by you and those offered by us from time to time;

1.4 “Vehicle” means any car, van, commercial vehicle, motorcycle, caravan, or any other form of transport accepted by us for cleaning;

1.5 “We”, “us” or “Supplier” means Moon Car Detailing;

1.6 “You”, “your” or “Customer” means the customer we make this agreement with, including any persons we reasonably believe, are acting on behalf of the Customer and with the Customer’s authority and knowledge.

2. Cancellations

​Please give as much notice as possible should you need to cancel your appointment latest at 72h before service with Moon Car Detailing otherwise your deposit won't be returned.

​3. Care and liability

​Moon Car Detailing will endeavour to take all responsible care of your vehicle whilst it is in our possession.

We will not be held liable for the following:

3.1 Damage or loss to your vehicle resulting from acts of third parties who are neither employees or persons acting under the instruction of the Management of Moon Car Detailing.

3.2 Damage or loss to your vehicle caused by lightning, flood, severe weather, fire or explosion, civil disorder, war or military operations, national or local emergencies, any government emergency or other competent authority or industrial dispute of any kind.

3.3 Loss or damage to you or your vehicle caused by us which is attributed to defects, damage, or weakness in your vehicle which has not been disclosed to us, irrespective of whether such defects were previously known to you.

3.4 you must disclose to us any defects, damage, or weakness in your vehicle, either known or suspected which may affect any work that we undertake during the cleaning process.

3.5 We do not undertake to insure your vehicle against loss whilst it is at our premises. Insurance of your vehicle is your responsibility at all times. We will however ensure that your car is locked at all times.

3.6 Battery to drain out. We will be sure all energy sources will be switched off during our job however we can't hold any responsibility for fault batteries/electrical problems.

4. Vehicle Contents

​The Supplier shall not be held responsible for any personal items left in the Customer’s Vehicle. The Supplier will endeavour to bag any such items that are left in such Vehicle, but we respectfully ask that you remove such items before leaving your Vehicle with us.

5. Products

​5.1 The products that the Supplier uses in the course of its business are specifically designed for use on Vehicles. The Supplier shall not be held responsible for any damage caused to the Customer’s Vehicle through the use of these products. The Supplier’s staff take every care when using these products. COSH data sheets are available for viewing by customers, however, before notice to our office staff must be given and an appointment arranged should the Customer wish to view such sheets.

5.2 In certain products there are chemicals used that are hazardous, therefore we respectfully request that the Customer does not stand next to any Vehicle whilst it is being washed and utilize our waiting area. Alternatively, we request the Customer remains at a minimum of 30 feet away from such Vehicle. Any harm or injury caused by products splashing onto the Customer due to the aforementioned not being adhered to cannot be the responsibility of the Supplier and is at the Customer’s risk entirely.

6. Child seats

​Child seats should be removed by you before your vehicle is left with us, however, if they are not, we cannot be held responsible for removing these and therefore they will remain in the vehicle and we will valet / clean around them. Our staff or management will not put car seats back into the vehicle and therefore you must ensure that your child seats are secure before using them, we cannot be held liable for injury or loss caused by you not re-securing your child seat(s).

7. Illegal substances or items

​Any illegal substances or items that are discovered in your car will immediately result in your clean being terminated and your car will be secured and the relevant authorities notified. It is not our responsibility to notify you of this should it occur.

8. Refusal

Our management reserves the right to refuse to clean a vehicle and no further contracts will be undertaken.